iSafe is a next generation e business application engine, it’s a compliance enterprise solution that combines the power of technology, traditional curriculum and the influence of social media to educate and empower individuals. Generally it’s very practical for the Life and Assurance industry to employ iSafe; as it is a multidimensional service and delivery channel tightly integrated with a back office system. With iSafe a company can start getting its Life and Assurance products online in a matter of weeks.
iSafe can be thought of as a four dimensional cube where each dimension represents a service or delivery channel to a particular set or targeted group of customers. With iSafe, insurance companies can quickly launch new marketing campaigns, open new channels for consumers, affinity groups and partners. All these features are designed to maximize productivity with minimum effort and expense.
ITSec’s years of experience in the IT security ensures piece of mind. ITSec guarantees* the Return on Investment (ROI) within 6 months provided the products being sold are competitive enough.
iSafe can closely work with our Enquiry Management System (EMS) which helps in generating quality leads.

iSafe Key Features:
- Integrates with your existing website or quote system or with xQuote
- Sales and Marketing Channel
- B2B and B2C delivery channel, (i.e. Consumers & IFAs)
- Customer Services Channel
- Administrational Control Centre

iSafe consists of four main components:
- An interactive web front module
- A Sales Force module (iFact)
- An administration and compliance module (Back office)
- A relational database module

Security at all levels:
- SSL encryption on all input forms
- Role based security
- Encryption of critical data at row and column levels
- Strong passwords
- Triggers upon changing monitored fields
- Automated notifications, i.e.
Upon registration of a new user
Upon selling a new product
Upon changing details
Upon receiving enquires and service requests
Upon expiry of a quotation

- TThe system pays for itself within 6 months* Cost benefit analysis – One investment, multiple benefits
- A permanent sales channel open 24/7, selling at least 1 policy per day (30 policies per month)
- An improved image of the company by implementing cutting edge and secure technology, increasing customer’s confidence
- Will attract a younger generation as they prefer to buy online
- Will attract business from overseas/expatriates or members of armed forces who are living abroad
- 24 Hours Customer Services channel with automated responses

iSafe Technology:
- iSafe is built using the latest technologies of Microsoft .NET framework which means that the investment is future proofed
- iSafe is a zero foot print installation and works within a browser, meaning no need to invest in new hardware or software
- Support and upgrades are easy through central administration
- Will run efficiently from remote sites over the slow communication links (Back office module)
- Highest Security – All possible levels of security available without compromising user friendliness
- Backend database runs on Microsoft SQL® and Oracle® servers, providing limitless storage and processing powers
- Special features to run in a clustered and web farm environment for high availability and load balancing
For more information or general queries contact us on +92 21 37130093 or drop us an email to